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Image Size tool


Text over the image will display it's current % of actual image size shown.

Filename: Displays the name of the file uploaded.
Dimensions: Displays the size of the image Width by Height.
File Type: Displays the type of file uploaded.

*Refresh browser to clear images
This tool is provided to help you to see the dimensions of your image and compare that to dimensions a designer has provided you. While we do our best, enlargin small images never looks good. There simply isn't enough information in a small photo to work with so you end with a blurry and pixelated photo that will not display well. We can work with an image that is larger than we require much more easily and provide you with a better looking site as a result.

Steps to use this tool:
  • Click the button below "Choose Files"
  • Browse your computer for the images you want to test. (You can add multiple images by shift clicking or ctrl clicking additional image files)
  • Click open
  • The Images will be displayed below with their information details (see legend on the right)
Enlarge to 800px
Enlarge to 1000px
Enlarge to 1200px
Enlarge to 1800px
Crop for Header Image